Knife Show Tbilisi 2024. ***
Dagger "Erekle", 2024. ***
*** Sword of Stalingrad, 2000-2024.
By Studio Gotscha Lagidse 2022. Reconstruction of Famous Sword of Stalingrad presented to Marshal Joseph Stalin by British Prime Minister Winston Churchill at an afternoon ceremony during the Teheran Conference. Steel Gael Babre (France). Thanks Pier van Leest, Zaqro Nonikashvili, Misho Darjania, Tim Popelier, Jaba Lepert and Paulien kan for corporation. Pictures Peter Dekker.
Knife Art Tbilisi 2023. ***
Geridderd door georgische ridderorde op eiland Texel op 4 mei 2023. ***
Dolk "Tbilisi", 2023. Staal I. Aseev. ***
Miniaturen in staal, 2022. ***
Dagger Erekle 2023, Damascus steel I.Aseev. Armorer of King Erekle II of Georgia - Geurk Eliarov (Eliarashvili), R.Khutsishvili, G.lagidse. Research of geneology, june 2021 (in Russian). Происхождение Хечатура Бебурова, Хечатур Бебуров, Хачатур Бебуров, ხაჩატურ ბებუროვი, ხეჩატური, ხაჩატური, Eliazarashvili, Eliarov, Eliarashvili, Eliarov, Eliarashvili, ელიაროვი, ელიარაშვილი***
Dagger "Erekle", 2020. Armorer of King Erekle II of Georgia - Khechetur Beburov (R.Khutsishvili) Research of geneology, Tbilisi, june 2021. ***
Reconstructie van Zwaard (ca. 1515) van Karel van Egmond, Hetrog van Gelderland en Graaf van Zutphen in opdracht van Stichting Eusebius in Arnhem. Dank aan Peter Johnson en Z. Nonikashvili voor assisteren. ***
Helm en Zwaard van Zeeridder 2019, in opdracht van Museum Markizengof Bergen op Zoom. Dank peter Johnson en Ko Zuidweg voor bijdrage. ***
Lieveheerstbeestne, 2022. Geblauwd staal, zilver goud ***
Kruis met granaat, gemaakt bij Centrum van Kunsten, Roosendaal 2019 ***
Minotaurus I - gemaakt, 2019 ***
Minotaurus II, 2019 ***
Zward en dolk, In Tbilisian stijl, opdracht particulier. Auteur Atelier gotscha. Staal en versieringen Z. Nonikashvili, Georgie. ***
Zwaard "Ardoti", 2019. Dank aan Z.Nonikashvili en O.Keshelashvili voor bijdrage. ***
Dubbel dolk "Tbilisi. 2018. Goudinleg A.Agdgomelashvili. ***
Khevsurische zwaard, 2018, Particulier opdrachtgever uit VS
A "Artikel in "Europeanblades" 2017 ***
*** The History of Iron Processing and the Creation of Weapons in Georgia David Kuparadze, Gotcha Lagidze, Mamuka Kapianidze
Detail of dagger "prins", I.Megrelishvili, G.Lagidse. ***
Mazarin, 2015. lengte 150 mm. Vuurgeblauwd staal, Vuur gebruind RVS, verguld messing.
"Shamil" -2015, kling van damast staal, onderdelen ingelegd met 24 k goud, greep van buffel hoorn, magnolia hout, “shagrin” leder. 510x45mm. damast door G. Van Poppel, goudinleg A.AgdgomelaSvili. ***
Georgische Palash, 2016, steel J. Bobkov, gold inlay G.Noniashvili. ***
Georgische dolk, 2016, damascus steel J. Bobkov, gold inlay G.Noniashvili. ***
Gotscha Lagidse - 1-te prijs Expositie Vereniging Nederlandse Wapenverzamelaars, 14 december 2014 Jury leden: Mr. J.P Loef, Peter Meester, Marcel Mulder
*** Dolk "Gurieli", 2015
steel L.Bukia, gold inlay O.Qeshelashvili. ***
Sword of Giorgi Saakadze
by Gotscha Lagidse, 2014 auteurs interpretatie
Studio Gotscha Lagidse, damascus J.Sarkisjan, gold inlay A.Agdgomelasvili. *** Reconstruction of "Swanetian Bows", 2017
Copyricht © National Museum of Georgia Research and reconstruction of horn bow from museum of Svanetie in Mestia (Georgia), from 12th century?. Exclusive project of Atelier Gotscha in the Netherlands. Arch was made by Jason Beveer (USA) on order and guidance of Atelier Gotscha. Thanks Jason for good work! Painting and decoration of bow was done by Gotscha Lagidse in the Netherlands. Thanks Georgian National Museum for cooperation. Thanks Dr. Mamuka Kapianidze and restorer Mr. Amiran Bichashvili. *** The History of Iron Processing and the Creation of Weapons in Georgia (artikle) ***
*** Sword wit rubbis, 2013
Reconstruction of Gorda Sword &17 century) of Royal Family Bagrationi, after original sword from Georgian National Museum in Tbilisi. Damascus J.Sarkisjan, gold inlay A. Agdgomelashvili. *** Svanetian Shild, 2013
Reconstruction of Svanetian Shild, after original from collection of Museum in Mestia (Georgia) dated with 11 century. ***
*** Tbilissian Sword, 2012 Atelier Gotscha, sword "Shamshir", 2012, gold inlay G.Noniashvili (meer over dit project / in constructie) *** Tsolauri met goudinleg, 2012
Studio Gotscha Lagidse, sword "Tsolauri", 2012, gold inlay A.Agdgomelashvili more *** Sword "Tsolauri", 2012
Atelier Gotscha, sword "Tsolauri", 2012 zilwer work Shako and Aspet Sarkisjan (more) ***
*** Sword of Giorgi Saakadze by Gotscha Lagidse, 2011 - auteurs interpretatie damascus steel J.Sarkisjan, gold inlay A. Agdgomelashvili. ***
Gotscha - 23 - 24 september 2011, member of fair SICAC Parijs
*** *** Repport Workshop Bulat / Wootz 2010 (Englisch) Symposium "Georgian Damask" (Wootz) , Belgie, Antwerpen 2010.
Close Ups of bulat by Zaqro Nonikashvili *** Close up Bulat blade of sword of King Erekle II of Georgia Heterogeneous
structure Bulat steels and its possibility Receptions
Metallographical analysis of high quality persian blades by Dr. Badri Amaglobeli, Tbilisi - Georgia, 1984. A Georgian scientist, wrote a PhD on Bulat in 1984.
This was not accesable due to USSR issues. Mr Amaglobeli
kindly approved to share this PhD with others who are interested. *** Gotscha - 23 april 2011 - expositie bij DKE 2011
TAVADI, 2011
In 2009, I was in Tbilisi and participated
in a group exhibition in the Tbilisi Museum (Carvasla). During my visit to
Georgia, my friend introduced me to the Georgian artist and enamel master
Irakli Megrelishvili. The visit to Irakli and getting to know his work was
so impressive that soon I had the idea to make a traditional form of
satevari, decorated only with enamel, in collaboration with him. I shared
this idea with Irakli and he agreed without hesitation, we calculated and
planned the project and calculated the project budget. The creation of the
working sketch took a long time. The initial drafts did not fit into the
framework of my idea, but in the end, with joint efforts, we reconciled and
"approved" the final sketch. Dager "Tavadi" (Prins), 2011. Bulat/Wootz/Javarden steel, zilver 710 gr, gold 5 gr, Limoge enamel. Size: 500 X 56mm. More Dager "Tavadi" (Prins), 2010 - 2011. Project & Idea: Gotscha Lagidse. Design: Irakli Megrelishvili / Gotscha lagidse. Mounting: Irakli Megrelishvili. Steel: Zaqro Nonikashvili. Materials: Wootz steel. Zilver(925) - 710 gr. Gold 24 K - 5 gr. Limoge Enamel. Techniques: Embossment, engraving, enameling, gilding. Size: 500 X 56 mm.
2009 -Reconstruction of "Shamshir" of King Erekle II of Georgia
Reconstruction of sword of King Erekle II of Georgia by Studio Gotscha, 2009 Original sword of King Erekle II of Georgia / Georgian National Museum ***
*** Restoration Click on the picture to read more
*** Project by Georgian National Museum in Tbilisi
*** Recontruction of target crossbow with Englisch windlass, 18th century - 2008
more *** Rocketeer helmet - 2008 *** Minature swords 2008
Miniature swords, 20, 23cm *** Boy's armour 2008
Interpretation of Boy's armour, After the painting (1578-79) of Maurice Prince of Orange. The portrait is one of a series of eight paintings of members of the House of Orange. Artist unknown( Artist unknown) *** Armour 2008
Gotscha, 2007-2008. Armour pesented by Historisch Woonmuseum "Don Quichote". januari 2008 *** Deelnemer van Internationaal Festival "Cveneburebi", Tbilisi 2008 georganiseerd ter gelegenheid van Jubileum Ilia II, Patriarch van Georgie
Ontvangst bij Patriarch van Georgie Ilia II, december 2007
Ontvangst bij het Ministerie van Buitenlandse zaken in Georgie, december 2007
24.12.2007 - 06-01-2008 deelnemer van gezamenlijke expositie in Museum - Galerie "Kharvasla" in Tbilisi (Georgië) tijdens Internationaal Festival "Cveneburebi"
*** Studie van "Wootz" Steel -2008
Dit "Javari"
of "Bulat"
(ook genoemd Wootz staal)
is gesmolten in januari 2008 tijdens mijn deelname in
International Festival met expositie in
Galerie "Kharvasla" in Tbilisi (Georgie). In Georgie zijn
enkele specialisten
die dit staal kunnen maken voor messen, dolken en zwaardklingen. Georgie heeft eeuwenlange
historie met het maken en bewerken van Bulat. Bulat klingen
waren daar tot medio 19de eeuw geproduceerd.
Georgië was samen met India
beroemd met de productie van
het beste "Bulati" staal in de wereld. In Tbilisi
leefde in de negentiende eeuw de familie Elizarashvili,
waarvan voorouder Giorgi een belangrijk
meester was. Hij
had de kunst geërfd en later aan zijn zonen en
kleinzonen doorgegeven. De productie van het zwaard was
geheim. Maar één van zijn zonen, Kharaman, gaf in 1828
het geheim van de Georgische zwaardstaal productie,
alsook zijn eigen modellen aan Rusland. Generaal
Paskevich stuurde deze modellen naar Tsar Nocholai de
eerste. Snel nadien werden er vanuit de Russische
fabriek van Zlatoust de vooruitstrevende meesters
Ivjakov, Djatlov en de Duitse Meester Vasil Golfers naar
Georgië gezonden. Ze brachten dit kennis
in 1830 bij fabriek in Zlatoust. Maar de mensen die dit vak kenden
zeiden vaak, dat de Russische meesters wel goede
zwaarden in Tbilisi maakten, maar dat niet konden doen
in Rusland, omdat enkel theoretische kennis blijkt niet
genoeg was. In fabriek van Zlatoust is
productie van Bulat staal verder ontwikkeld. Dit Verhaal is in archieven
bewaard gebleven en de werken van Elisaraschvili's zijn
bewaard in Hermitage in St. Petersburg.
Javari, Bulat of wootzstaal (uitgesproken als "woets") is een met speciale regime gesmolten afgietsel. Andere benamingen voor dit staal zijn wutz of wutzstaal, Indisch staal, en gedamasceerd staal, damast of damask staal. Het staal zou reeds rond het jaar 300 na Christus ontwikkeld zijn; sommige bronnen zeggen zelfs 200 vóór Christus. Dankzij de hardheid en scherpte werd het vooral gebruikt voor het maken van sabels en zwaarden. Dit kwam door het ijzercarbide in het het staal, dat bij het afkoelen van het staal in banden uitkristalliseerde, waardoor deze wapens een karakteristieke tekening verkregen. Een ervaren smid kon zo wapens voorzien van typische bladmotieven. (Tubal / First Blacksmiths in Georgia)
*** Maliënkolder (nieuwe stijl)-2008
Maliënkolder (metamorfose van maliënkolder aks hoofddeksel van ridder tot de moderne schaalobject), 2008. staal, zilver, 25x25cm Aanleiding voor deze creatie is persoonlijke uitnodiging van Jan en Anneke en van Nouhuys om een een schaalobject te ontwerpen voor de gezamenlijke expositie met titel: "Hoofddeksels en tafelhoeden" van 19 april - 31 mei 2008 in de galerie Studio 925 in Schoonhoven en op de pAn in november 2008. *** Sofia Sofia, 2007, 8x8 cm, silver and iron bluing with fire *** Flyer Gotscha Lagidse page 1 I page 2
*** Reconstruction of Tornament Helmet
Boy Armour
Photo © Legermuseum Princess Maxima opens exposition in the Royal Army Museum where two armours made by Gotscha are displayed, Mart 2007.
C. van Bruggen © Legermuseum Boy's armour, After the painting (1578-79) of Maurice Prince of Orange. The portrait is one of a series of eight paintings of members of the House of Orange. Artist unknown. Ordered by The Royal Netherlands Army Museum.
14 January 2007 - presentation in a meeting of community Georgian Diaspora in Amsterdam with the President of the association "Chveneburebi", Miss Giuli Alasania (mother of the President Saakasvhili), Anzor Erqomaischvili, Minister Giorgi Khevaishili, Georgian Ambassador Salome Samadashvili. *** Metamorphoses
Photo Dravings - Lars Schubring *** Lecture at Art Academy Antwerpen, 2006
From the right: Teacher Patric Storme, Leentje, Heike, Gert, Tinne Lore, Jef, Gotscha Lagidse. Gotscha, 2006. Lectures at the Academy of Fine Arts Antwerpen. Invited as "guest proffesor" to give lectures about Conservation and Restoration of metal. *** Lantaarn "Tbilisi", 2006
Two laterns "Tbilisi", made for hotel Sonnenduyn in Bergen aan Zee. *** "Amsterdammer" on the square of city Gertruidenberg
Gotscha, 2005. Amsterdam house front lantern on the market of Gertruidenberg, Netherlands ***
*** G E O R G I Ë D A G 2 0 0 5 - Bagration Community Amsterdam
Chain mail of the famous Georgian King
Earlier this year, Lagidze received an offer from the Georgian playwright Dato Turashvili to design chain mail for a film about Georgia's famous king Davit Aghmashenebeli. "Probably I will travel to Tbilisi. It is important to do it in Tbilisi," he says. "The chain mail of Davit Aghmashenebeli is not on a fresco. That is why I want to do it not only for the movie, but for a museum." His love for designing old war equipment exists hand in hand with his love of Georgian history. He was particularly interested in Khevsurian armor and often traveled to the region to study this equipment in the years 1985-88. "Everything started from my teacher Juansher Jurkhadze, who taught me history," he says. More
Armour of Maurce of
ICOMAM Symposium 2004 25 November 2004, participant of the ICOMAM Symposium - "International Council of Museums of Arms and Military History", organized by Royal Netherlands Army and Arms museum in Delft.
Museum Altes Zeughaus Solothurn Exposition by the Museum Altes Zeughaus Solothurn in Switzerland during of the conference of GHWK - "Gesellschaft für Historische Waffen-und Kostümkunde", participant of the conference of 29 September up to 2 October 2004 Jan van Schaffelaar Gotscha, 2004. Statue of Dutch Hero Jan van Schaffelaar presented by Museum Nairac Barneveld in May 2004 Click on the picture to read more
Frederich Herlin, 1462 - Stadtmuseum Nordlingen
Pikeman's cuirass presented by The Royal Netherlands Army and Arms Museum
Miniature suit of armour ordered by Vissercollection
Photo © Rudolf van Veggel
Helmets, ordered by Bruno Maurer, Swiss Army Museum, 2003 Click on the picture to read more Gothic helmet, presented by Museum "Nairac" in Barneveld, 2004 Click on the picture to read more
Schild of King Luarsab I of Georgia Cavalry helmet and gauntlets, ordered by Vissercollection Click on the picture to read more The Khevsurian armour of "Abjari", 1995
Copy of armour of Prince Maurice of Orange Gotscha, 1998. Exposed in the Royal Netherlands Army and Arms Museum in Delft. Very gratefully may be mentioned that the Hofjagd- und Rüstkammer des Kunsthistorischen Museums in Vienna (the owner), as a very rare exception, allowed the personal suit of armour of Prince Maurits to be taken apart, in order for Gotscha carefully to measure every single part of it. (Specification
Museum quality armour Armour, helmets, swords etc. made by Gotscha Lagidse have found their way to prominent museums and private collectors in The Netherlands and abroad. Experts consider these objects as a class in their own. Not surprising because Gotscha’s works are based on historical study, a thorough knowledge of materials, unequalled craftsmanship and unconditional dedication. Historically correct metal restorations The same museum quality which is so characteristic for Gotscha’s arms and armour can be recognized in his restorations. With unrivalled precision he restores historic metal objects in their old lustre. It does not matter whether it concerns armour parts, swords, sabres, antique lanterns or a relatively modern object like a rare German ‘Falschirmjägergewehr’ from World War II. About Gotscha Gotscha Lagidse is born in 1965 in Georgia. Already at a very young age he has a strong interest in historic arms and armour. He studies these thoroughly and starts to reconstruct them. Once established in The Netherlands he leaves his marks with the reconstruction of the horseman’s armour of prince Maurits van Oranje-Nassau for the royal army museum in Delft. Various unique creations follow. Every one of these shows a very well developed artistic feeling and a drive for perfecton. Because of his merit with respect to the preservation of the Dutch cultural inheritance he has been awarded the Dutch nationality in 2005.
of the Georgian-born sculptor, armourer, and artist now living in the
Netherlands. Includes images of his armour, religious, ceremonial and private
artworks and his jewelry, as well as biographical and bibliographical data.